Address of OJK Office where Complaints and Regulation Services: Okeforum

Until now, the office address of the OJK or the Financial Services Authority is still quite visited by the public and companies who want to apply for a regulatory license and make complaints about financial services.

However, not every city or region has an address from its own  OJK office. Forthose of you who currently want to visit or want to take care of permits and other things at the OJK, it’s a good idea to check the status of the existence of this OJK branch in your city.

The reason why the address of the OJK office is still not available in every region according to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is because the percentage of the number of financial industries or People’s Credit Banks (BPR) in the area has not been met.

However, the public together with the OJK can still supervise the banking and other financial industries through the nearest office address . And also through the site and can also go to the email address to the

Online Loan Complaint Service Through OJK Office Address

The Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners also said that his party has recently received many complaints from the public through office addresses related to violations and fraud committed by illegal online loans to consumers. This data refers to the official OJK page which recorded around 19,711 cases from 2019-2021.

Check legality in financial services without coming to the OJK office address

Before transacting through financial service providers, it would be better for you to first check the legality of the OJK license they have in the following ways.

  1. Opening the OJK Official Website

To be able to check the legality of online loans, you can also access the official website page of the following OJK if you don’t want to come directly to the address of the OJK office technologyaspx/

  1. Through OJK WhatsApp Service

In addition to the website, the public can also check or make complaints throughtheofficial WhatsApp number from the OJK, namely at 081-157-157-157 or 0811-5715-715.

  1. By Phone Service 157 or E-mail

OJK also serves complaints and legality checks through E-mail and telephone messages. If you want to contact OJK via E-mail, you can send your message to address  or

Requirements for Reports and Complaints to the Address of the  Local OJK Office

Before coming to the office address to make complaints and other services to the OJK, it’s a good idea to know in advance what are the conditions that must be met as a complainant. The requirements that must be owned include:

  1. Experiencing financial losses such as the capital market, insurance, and banking in the largest amount between 500 and 750 million rupiah.
  2. Make an application letter to the OJK in the field of Consumer Education and Protection by completing other supporting documents, such as evidence documents for submitting complaints, personal identity, chronology of complaints, and other supporting documents.
  3. It does not exceed the complaint limit for 60 days since the complaint result letter submitted.

OJK Office Addresses Available in Every Region in Indonesia

The good news is that OJK has opened 35 branch offices from Aceh to Jayappura as an effort to supervise the financial industry sector. Among them consist of 6 offices in the region and 29 offices in the regions. With the details of the requirements as follows:

  1. Regional Office 1 : DKI Jakarta (Jabodetabek, Banten Province, Lampung Province and all provinces in Kalimantan) Office location: Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Pontianak, and Lampung.
  2. Regional Office 2 : Bandung (West Java Province) Office location : Cirebon city and Tasikmalaya.
  3. Regional Office 3 : Surabaya (East Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara Provinces) Office location: Denpasar, Kupang, Mataram, Malang, Kediri, and Jember.
  4. Regional Office 4 : Semarang (Central Java Province and YOGYAKARTA) Office location: Solo City, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, and Tegal.
  5. Regional Office 5: Medan (Aceh Province, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, and Riau Islands) Office location: Aceh City, Batam, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Bengkulu, and Palembang.
  6. Regional Office 6 : Makassar (Provinces in Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua) Office location: Jayapura City, Ambon, Manado, Palu, and Kendari.

Chairman of the New OJK Board of Commissioners Inaugurates the Address of the OJK Office in Maluku

With the addition of addresses from OJK offices in each region, the supervision and role of the OJK will also have alarge impact on economiccrops, especially in theMaluku era.

As evidenced by the growth of the capital market industry, there is also one Indonesia Stock Exchange office, one investment manager and securities company today.  The number of lenders has now increased to 1,241 with a total of 13,040 transactions.

Meanwhile, the number of borrowers reached 93,364 with total transactions reaching 505,126.  Complete List of OJK Office Addresses Based on the OJK Official Website

  1. Department of Islamic Banking


Menara Radius Prawiro Lt.21-22

Bank Indonesia Office Complex

Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2, Central Jakarta


No.Telp (021) 296 00000

  1. Regional Office 2 West Java

Alamat of OJK office:

Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.152

London 40135

No.Telp (022) 426 8709/426 8711

No.Faks (022) 842 81006/842 81007

  1. OJK Cirebon Office


Jl. Yos Sudarso No.5-7


Phone No.(0231) 202 864 and

(0231) 202 685

  1. OJK Tasikmalaya Office

Alamat of OJK office:

Jl HZ. Mustofa No. 339A


No.Telp (0265) 729 6009 / 729 6057

  1. Regional Office 3 of Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region


Jl. Imam Bardjo SH No.4


Phone No.(024) 831 0246 and

(024) 831 0257

  1. OJK Office of Yogyakarta Special Region Province


Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono (Timoho) No.12,

Muja-muju, Umbulharjo,

Yogyakarta 55165

Phone No.(0274) 642 9170-71 and

(0274) 642 9891-92

  1. OJK Solo Office


Jl. Veteran No. 299

Only 57154

No.Telp (0271) 632834 / 632268

No. Fax (0271) 7889006

  1. OJK Purwokerto Office


Guerrilla Street No.365

Purwokerto 53144

Phone No.(0281) 657 8041 and

(0281) 657 8042

  1. OJK Tegal Office


Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 2

Tegal 52311

No.Telp (0283) 322014

No. Fax (0283) 322025

  1. Regional Office 4 East Java


d.a Bank Indonesia Building 4th Floor, Jl.

Hero No.105

Surabaya 60174

No.Telp (031) 355 1721, (031) 355 1733,

and (031) 353 6839

  1. OJK Malang Office


Jl. Kawi No. 17

Unfortunate 65166

Tel .0341) 363 151 and

(0341) 357 177

  1. OJK Jember Office


Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 41

Jember 68135

Phone No.(0331)413 200 and

(0331) 413 400

  1. OJK Kediri Office


Jl. Brawijaya No.3


No.Telp (0354) 741 8058

No. Fax (0354) 741 8700

  1. Regional Office 5 North Sumatra


Bank Representative Office Building

Indonesia Region IX 6th &7th Floor

Jl. City Hall No.4

While 20111

No.Telp (061) 456 2115, (061) 456 2128,

(061) 456 3866, and (061) 456 3867

  1. Aceh Provincial OJK Office


Jl. Prof. Ali Hasyimi, Pango Raya

Banda Aceh 23119

No.Telp (0651) 34209 / 34211

No. Fax (0651) 28100

  1. OJK Office of West Sumatra Province


Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.22

Paddock 25128

Tel.No.(0751)31700,(0751)31701, and

(0751) 31702

  1. Riau Provincial OJK Office


Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.464


Tel.No.(0761)31055,(0761)31089, and

(0761) 32000

  1. OJK Office of Riau Islands Province


Jl. Engku Putri Batam Center

Batam 29432

Phone No.(0778) 462 280 and

(0778) 462 254

  1. Kantor Regional 6 Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua


Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 3-5


No.Telp (0411) 363 5333 / 368 0023

No. Fax (0411) 362 0964

  1. OJK Offices of North Sulawesi, Gorontalo and North Maluku Provinces


Jl. 17 August No.56


Phone No.(0431)868 102 and

(0431) 868 103

  1. OJK Office of Papua and West Papua Provinces


Permai Pacific Shophouse Complex Block A


Jayapura 99112

No.Telp (0967) 522 466 / 536 547 / 536


No. Fax (0967) 537 233

  1. OJK Office of Central Sulawesi Province


Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 164

Hammer 94111

No.Telp (0451) 482 787/482 788

No. Fax (0451) 482 786

  1. OJK Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province


Jl. Drs. H. Abdullah Silondae No. 95 A

Kendari 93111

Phone No. (0401) 312 6839 / 313 1169 /

313 1170 / 312 6611

No. Fax (0401) 312 1285

  1. OJK Office of Maluku Province


Jl. Said Order No.21-22

Ambon 97124

No.Telp (0911) 315 700

  1. Regional Office 7 Sumatra Section



Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.510


Phone No.(0711) 354 188 and

(0711) 352 158

  1. OJK Office of Jambi Province


Jl. Prof. DR. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.


Jambi 36129

Phone No. (0741) 591 2994 / 591 2995

No. Fax (0741) 591 2800

  1. Bengkulu Provincial OJK Office


Jl. Citandui No. 8

Bengkulu 38215

No.Telp (0736) 551 2144 / 551 2145

No. Fax (0736) 551 2146

  1. Lampung Provincial OJK Office


Jl. Way Sekampung No. 9

Bandar Lampung

No.Telp (0721) 486 021 / 486 027

and (0721) 803 1199

  1. Regional Office 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara


Jl. Diponegoro No. 134

Denpasar 80114

No.Telp (0361) 849 7074/849 7075

No.Faks (0361) 849 7566

  1. OJK Office of West Nusa Tenggara Province

Alamat of OJK office:

d.a Bank Indonesia Building Prov. Island

West Southeast, Jl. Pejanggik No.2

Killed 83126

No.Telp (0370) 630 167, (0370) 641 915,

and (0370) 630 926, (0370) 633 715

  1. OJK Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province


Jl. Frans Seda, Kel. Fatululi, Kec.

Oebobo, Kupang

No.Telp (0380) 855 4555

No.Faks (0380) 855 4528

  1. Regional Office 9 Kalimantan

Alamat of OJK office:

Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No.15

Banjarmasin 70111

Tel.No.(0511)438 8179 and (0511) 4358180

  1. OJK Office of East Kalimantan Province


Jl. Gajah Mada No.1

Samarinda 75122

Phone No.(0541) 741 022 and

(0541) 741 023

  1. OJK Office of West Kalimantan Province

Alamat of OJK office:

Jl. Ahmad Yani No.2

Pontianak 78124

Tel (0561) 734 134 and

(0561) 768 569

  1. OJK Office of Central Kalimantan Province


Jl. G. Obos No.35

Palangkaraya 73112

Tel.No.(0536)324 2479 and (0536) 4200344

In closing, in line with the implementation of the OJK’s task in improving financial literacy with this office address , it is hoped that the public will be more confident in investing so that it can make a large contribution to the economy in the regions.

The existence of OJK office addresses in the regions will also continue to increase in efforts to supervise the banking industry in the regions, including strengthening regional development banks (BPD) and RURAL BANKS managed by local governments.

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