Traveloka’s office address is one of the most important information for Traveloka users to know to submit complaints. As a leading company in Southeast Asia, Traveloka has a lot of loyal users.
Having many excellent features is the main reason this company is the most superior and loved by many people. With so many excellent features, it will certainly increase the comfort and satisfaction of its users.
For loyal users as well as new users, we are constantly innovating for the satisfaction of its users. Here are the addresses of Traveloka offices and what features are provided by Traveloka.
Here’s the History of the Beginning of Traveloka’s Establishment ?
The rapid number of internet users is the main reason for the establishment of Traveloka. According to Ferry Unardi’s research, the travel sector is estimated to be quite profitable in Indonesia. Sejak first appeared, this platform is fairly fast in the domestic business industry.
Traveloka’s office address was originally established by Ferry Unardi, Derianto Kusuma, and Albert Zhang in 2012. This technology company provides travel services in the form of a platform. Some services are available such as transportation tickets, health services, hotel rentals, and others
Apart from the website, this platform can be accessed through an application that can be downloaded on IOS or Android. To make a reservation payment, we providea variety of the easiest payment methods for you.
Currently we are supported by 40 kinds of payment methods that can be selectedaccording to user needs. Even this travel agent T raveloka office address can be accessed in other Asian countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore.
Orders That Can Be Done Using Traveloka
Along with the development of our travel platform, this company’s use is not limited to booking flight tickets only. Currently, there are very many service providers that can be obtained at Traveloka
- Transportation
For those who want to travel and are looking for the most suitable mode of transportation, users can search for it through the Traveloka office address. Not only purchasing flight tickets, we also provide up to the provision of car rental.
By searching for the mode of transportation here, users can customize what vehicle they want to use when traveling long distances. Not only for long trips, we also provide services to travel fairly close distances.
For travelers who like to vacation alone, there is no need to worry about the hassle of carrying a lot of luggage. One of our services is car rental and shuttle service at the airport. Here are the modes of transportation that can be obtained.
- Flight Ticket
- Flight tickets and hotels
- Train tickets
- JR Pass
- Bus &Shuttle Tickets
- Airport shuttle service
- Car Rental
- Quickride
- Airport trains
- Dll
- Where to Stay
For travelers who like to move around homestays or lodgings, at the Traveloka office address you can find a place to live that fits your budget. This feature can see any hotel with the closest distance for the user’s location at that time, until holiday stays are most suitable.
For those who like to explore all sides of the city visited, of course, looking for cheap lodging just to rest after a day of activities is an obligation. Here there is a large selection of places that can be adapted to the contents of the wallet.
- Activities and Entertainment
In this activity and entertainment feature, there are 3 other features, namely Xperience, Eats, to Health. Xperience features are further divided into attractions, beauty & spa, playgrounds, Covid & health tests, tours, sports, to courses &workshops. For detailed information, you can directly go to the Traveloka office address or contact the call center.
- Bills and Top-ups
In addition to vacation purposes, this platform can also be relied on in daily activities. Customers no longer need to bother leaving the house to pay bills or just top up.
In this feature , users can find out the amount of bills, buy credit & internet packages, postpaid cards, PLN, BPJS kesehatan, Telkom, PDAM, buy game vouchers, to pay credit installments, cable TV & internet. All of that you can do with just an application .
Here are Traveloka’s Excellent Features
One of the reasons Traveloka’s office address has so many customers is that it has a lot of excellent features. With the following excellent features, users will feel facilitated in their use.
- Price Alerts
This feature is perfect for you traveler lovers. You can put a reminder sign in the App when you find a suitable price in your wallet.
When this feature first appeared, very many users found it helpful. This is because they don’t need to check the application constantly to get the right price because they have installed an alarm.
- Traveloka Points
Traveloka points are very profitable for you staycation lovers. You can earn points when making transactions such as booking flight tickets, booking hotels, and so on.
The points you get are in accordance with the total transactions made. You can later collect these points and use them in the next transaction. So the more you make transactions, the more points you get, the more profit.
- Easy Reschedule
Have you ever booked a plane ticket, or have booked a hotel room but there is something that makes the activity have to be delayed? Of course, this often happens, especially for people with dense activities.
When you have made a transaction at a Traveloka office address and want to postpone or postpone the activity, we have an Easy Reschedule feature. This feature makes it possible to rearrange the holiday schedule as you wish with just a few clicks.
- Refund
Refund means the amount of money that has been made a transaction and returned according to the amount. This refund can be done through your account by following four easy steps, namely:
- Open e-ticket
In the booking menu, open the e-ticket of the flight you want to refund. Select refund and request a refund.
- Choose the flight
Select the flight you want to refund, then select the passenger and the reason why the flight wants to be refunded
- Complete refund documents and details
In this section you have to fill in all the complete transfer details and upload refund documents. If needed, you can also see the estimated refund here.
- Submit a refund request
After filling in all the completeness, double-check the refund details and make sure all the data is filled in correctly. The last step is to apply for a refund.
- Best Warranty Price
The warranty price feature is no less cool than other features. When you have made a transaction at the Traveloka office address and found another travel agent to put a cheaper price, we can overcome your disappointment.
The function of this feature is that you can apply for a difference that finds a cheaper ticket price. After that we will pay your loss if the terms and conditions are in accordance with the current one.
- Promo Info
This feature is certainly the most often anticipated by all loyal users. With this feature, you can take a vacation at a cheaper price. Especially for those of you who have a mediocre budget but still want to take a vacation, promo info is perfect for you.
In this feature, you can set any promo you want to get, such as flight ticket promos, hotel tickets, and of course other special promo tickets. By using this feature, you can be the first person to know when there is a special offer from a Traveloka office address.
- Push Notification
It often happens that if we forget about the departure schedule, with this feature, you seem to have a personal assistant. This feature will remind you a few hours before the scheduled boarding.
This feature is also able to detect flight schedules automatically and display push notifications on your cellphone. Missing your flight won’t be a problem anymore when you use this feature.
- My Booking
Surely for those of you who often travel, there is often a desire to return to vacation in a place that has been visited. Although the place you visited has been very long, you can remember it again by checking the history again.
All your order history will always be saved, because it could be one day wanting to visit the place again. To see that history, you just need to enter the application and look for proof of old transactions that have been made.
- Travelers Picker
Always filling in booking data and passenger data every time you want to make a transaction is certainly a very boring thing. Therefore we provide convenience with this travelers picker feature that can store data.
Traveloka’s office address will store data and information that will later be used for other transactions. You no longer need to fill in data and information many times when using this feature.
- Develop a Business
Traveloka can also provide opportunities to develop business. With a platform of this size, of course, it is a very big opportunity to be better known. Currently there are already 40 thousand users who have downloaded the App.
Traveloka’s office coverage is not only within my country, but covers both within and outside Asia Pacific. The sophistication of the technology used is also very trusted, ease of use, this is because we use experienced technology experts.
Where is the Traveloka Office Address and What is the Call Center Number?
Our hotline service is ready to serve 24 hours without stopping. You can provide input or complaintsin a direct way by visiting the Traveloka office or you can also go through the call center
- Traveloka office address
As a large travel service provider platform thatis professional and trusted. Kami will always strive to prioritize customer comfort and satisfaction.
Customer trust in us is a mandate for us. For the central Traveloka office address , there are two, namely:
- Operation and Customer is located on the street S. Parman Kav. 22 – 24, Grand Slipi Tower Lt. 39, West Jakarta
- Development HQ is located on the road S. Parman Kav. 77, Wisma 77 Tower 2 Lt. 21, West Jakarta
- Traveloka Call Center Number
Call center number information is very important for you Traveloka users. If there are any problems or problems, you can immediately contact us. Register for Traveloka call center
- Especially for the Indonesian region only: 0804-1500-308 or +62 21-2910-3300
- For Malaysia region : +60 15-4840-9469
- For Singapore region : +65-3157-1471
- For Vietnam region : +84-8-4458-1320
- For Thailand region : +66-2-118-5400
We provide a non-stop 24-hour hotline service for the convenience of users. You can submit all complaints or ask about everything that makes it difficult to use the Traveloka application.
Call center services are intended for those of you who are far from our office location. This convenience is also suitable for those of you who find it difficult if you have to directly visit the Traveloka office address in the midst of busyness.
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